Talk:Sequent calculus

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Revision as of 23:34, 15 January 2009 by Olivier Laurent (Talk | contribs)

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The presentation does not seem to be completely uniform concerning quantifiers: are first-order quantifiers taken into account? It would be nice.

A few related points:

  • Why a distinction between atomic formulas and propositional variables?
  • Some mixing between \forall x A and \forall X A. I tried to propose a convention on that point, but it does not match here with the use of α for atoms.
  • Define immediate subformula of \forall X A as A?

-- Olivier Laurent 18:37, 14 January 2009 (UTC)

Two-sided sequent calculus

I think the terminology "two-sided sequent calculus" should be used for the system where all the connectives are involved and all the rules are duplicated (with respect to the one-sided version) and negation is a connective.

In this way, we obtain the one-sided version from the two-sided one by:

  • quotient the formulas by de Morgan laws and get negation only on atoms, negation is defined for compound formulas (not a connective)
  • fold all the rules by \Gamma\vdash\Delta \mapsto {}\vdash\Gamma\orth,\Delta
  • remove useless rules (negation rules become identities, almost all the rules appear twice)

A possible name for the two-sided system presented here could be "two-sided positive sequent calculus".

-- Olivier Laurent 21:34, 15 January 2009 (UTC)

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