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Logical systems

For a given logical system such as MLL (for multiplicative linear logic), we consider the following variations:

Notation Meaning Connectives
MLL propositional without units X,{\tens},{\parr}
MLLu propositional with units only \one,\bot,{\tens},{\parr}
MLL0 propositional with units and variables X,\one,\bot,{\tens},{\parr}
MLL1 first-order without units X\vec{t},{\tens},{\parr},\forall x A,\exists x A
MLL01 first-order with units X\vec{t},\one,\bot,{\tens},{\parr},\forall x A,\exists x A
MLL2 second-order propositional without units X,{\tens},{\parr},\forall X A,\exists X A
MLL02 second-order propositional with units X,\one,\bot,{\tens},{\parr},\forall X A,\exists X A
MLL12 first-order and second-order without units X\vec{t},{\tens},{\parr},\forall x A,\exists x A,\forall X A,\exists X A
MLL012 first-order and second-order with units X\vec{t},\one,\bot,{\tens},{\parr},\forall x A,\exists x A,\forall X A,\exists X A

Formulas and proof trees


  • First order quantification: \forall x A with substitution A[t / x]
  • Second order quantification: \forall X A with substitution A[B / X]
  • Quantification of arbitrary order (mainly first or second): \forall\xi A with substitution A[τ / ξ]

Rule names

Name of the connective, followed by some additional information if required, followed by "L" for a left rule or "R" for a right rule. This is for a two-sided system, "R" is implicit for one-sided systems. For example: \wedge_1 \text{add} L.


Coherent spaces

  • Web of the space X: \web X
  • Coherence relation of the space X: large \coh_X and strict \scoh_X

Finiteness spaces

  • Web of the finiteness space \mathcal A: \web{\mathcal A}
  • Finiteness structure of the space \mathcal A: \mathfrak F(\mathcal A) (we use \mathfrak, which is consistent with the fact that \finpowerset{\web{\mathcal A}}\subseteq \mathfrak F(\mathcal A) \subseteq\powerset{\web{\mathcal A}}).


  • The free ports of a net Rfp(R).
  • The result of the connection of two nets R and R', given the partial bijection f:\mathrm{fp}(R)\pinj \mathrm{fp}(R'): R\bowtie_f R'.
  • The number of loops in the resulting net: \Inner{R}{R'}_f (includes the loops already present in R and R').


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