System messages

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This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.

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Current message text
logentry-suppress-delete (Talk)$1 suppressed page $3
logentry-suppress-event (Talk)$1 secretly changed visibility of {{PLURAL:$5|a log event|$5 log events}} on $3: $4
logentry-suppress-event-legacy (Talk)$1 secretly changed visibility of log events on $3
logentry-suppress-revision (Talk)$1 secretly changed visibility of {{PLURAL:$5|a revision|$5 revisions}} on page $3: $4
logentry-suppress-revision-legacy (Talk)$1 secretly changed visibility of revisions on page $3
login (Talk)Log in
login-abort-generic (Talk)Your login was unsuccessful - Aborted
login-throttled (Talk)You have made too many recent login attempts. Please wait before trying again.
login-userblocked (Talk)This user is blocked. Login not allowed.
loginend (Talk) 
loginend-https (Talk) 
loginerror (Talk)Login error
loginlanguagelabel (Talk)Language: $1
loginprompt (Talk)You must have cookies enabled to log in to {{SITENAME}}.
<big>Before creating your account, please read the [[recommendations]].</big> You must have cookies enabled to log in to {{SITENAME}}.
loginreqpagetext (Talk)You must $1 to view other pages.
loginreqtitle (Talk)Login required
loginstart (Talk) 
loginsuccess (Talk)'''You are now logged in to {{SITENAME}} as "$1".'''
loginsuccesstitle (Talk)Login successful
logout (Talk)Log out
logouttext (Talk)'''You are now logged out.''' Note that some pages may continue to be displayed as if you were still logged in, until you clear your browser cache.
lonelypages (Talk)Orphaned pages
lonelypages-summary (Talk) 
lonelypagestext (Talk)The following pages are not linked from or transcluded into other pages in {{SITENAME}}.
longpage-hint (Talk)-
longpageerror (Talk)'''Error: The text you have submitted is {{PLURAL:$1|one kilobyte|$1 kilobytes}} long, which is longer than the maximum of {{PLURAL:$2|one kilobyte|$2 kilobytes}}.''' It cannot be saved.
longpages (Talk)Long pages
longpages-summary (Talk) 
mailerror (Talk)Error sending mail: $1
mailmypassword (Talk)Email new password
mailnologin (Talk)No send address
mailnologintext (Talk)You must be [[Special:UserLogin|logged in]] and have a valid email address in your [[Special:Preferences|preferences]] to send email to other users.
mainpage (Talk)Main Page
mainpage-description (Talk)Main page
mainpage-nstab (Talk) 
mar (Talk)Mar
march (Talk)March
march-gen (Talk)March
markaspatrolleddiff (Talk)Mark as patrolled
markaspatrolledtext (Talk)Mark this page as patrolled
markedaspatrolled (Talk)Marked as patrolled
markedaspatrollederror (Talk)Cannot mark as patrolled
markedaspatrollederror-noautopatrol (Talk)You are not allowed to mark your own changes as patrolled.
markedaspatrollederrortext (Talk)You need to specify a revision to mark as patrolled.
markedaspatrolledtext (Talk)The selected revision of [[:$1]] has been marked as patrolled.
math_bad_output (Talk)Cannot write to or create math output directory
math_bad_tmpdir (Talk)Cannot write to or create math temp directory
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