System messages
From LLWiki
This is a list of system messages available in the MediaWiki namespace. Please visit MediaWiki Localisation and if you wish to contribute to the generic MediaWiki localisation.
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Name | Default message text |
Current message text | |
import-error-interwiki (Talk) | Page "$1" is not imported because its name is reserved for external linking (interwiki). |
import-error-invalid (Talk) | Page "$1" is not imported because its name is invalid. |
import-error-special (Talk) | Page "$1" is not imported because it belongs to a special namespace that does not allow pages. |
import-interwiki-history (Talk) | Copy all history revisions for this page |
import-interwiki-namespace (Talk) | Destination namespace: |
import-interwiki-source (Talk) | Source wiki/page: |
import-interwiki-submit (Talk) | Import |
import-interwiki-templates (Talk) | Include all templates |
import-interwiki-text (Talk) | Select a wiki and page title to import. Revision dates and editors' names will be preserved. All transwiki import actions are logged at the [[Special:Log/import|import log]]. |
import-invalid-interwiki (Talk) | Cannot import from the specified wiki. |
import-logentry-interwiki (Talk) | transwikied $1 |
import-logentry-interwiki-detail (Talk) | $1 {{PLURAL:$1|revision|revisions}} from $2 |
import-logentry-upload (Talk) | imported [[$1]] by file upload |
import-logentry-upload-detail (Talk) | $1 {{PLURAL:$1|revision|revisions}} |
import-noarticle (Talk) | No page to import! |
import-nonewrevisions (Talk) | All revisions were previously imported. |
import-parse-failure (Talk) | XML import parse failure |
import-revision-count (Talk) | $1 {{PLURAL:$1|revision|revisions}} |
import-token-mismatch (Talk) | Loss of session data. Please try again. |
import-upload (Talk) | Upload XML data |
import-upload-filename (Talk) | Filename: |
importbadinterwiki (Talk) | Bad interwiki link |
importcantopen (Talk) | Could not open import file |
imported-log-entries (Talk) | Imported $1 {{PLURAL:$1|log entry|log entries}}. |
importfailed (Talk) | Import failed: <nowiki>$1</nowiki> |
importhistoryconflict (Talk) | Conflicting history revision exists (may have imported this page before) |
importinterwiki (Talk) | Transwiki import |
importlogpage (Talk) | Import log |
importlogpagetext (Talk) | Administrative imports of pages with edit history from other wikis. |
importnofile (Talk) | No import file was uploaded. |
importnopages (Talk) | No pages to import. |
importnosources (Talk) | No transwiki import sources have been defined and direct history uploads are disabled. |
importnotext (Talk) | Empty or no text |
importstart (Talk) | Importing pages... |
importsuccess (Talk) | Import finished! |
importtext (Talk) | Please export the file from the source wiki using the [[Special:Export|export utility]]. Save it to your computer and upload it here. |
importunknownsource (Talk) | Unknown import source type |
importuploaderrorpartial (Talk) | Upload of import file failed. The file was only partially uploaded. |
importuploaderrorsize (Talk) | Upload of import file failed. The file is bigger than the allowed upload size. |
importuploaderrortemp (Talk) | Upload of import file failed. A temporary folder is missing. |
index-category (Talk) | Indexed pages |
infiniteblock (Talk) | infinite |
intentionallyblankpage (Talk) | This page is intentionally left blank. |
internalerror (Talk) | Internal error |
internalerror_info (Talk) | Internal error: $1 |
invalid-chunk-offset (Talk) | Invalid chunk offset |
invalidateemail (Talk) | Cancel email confirmation |
invalidemailaddress (Talk) | The email address cannot be accepted as it appears to have an invalid format. Please enter a well-formatted address or empty that field. |
invert (Talk) | Invert selection |
ip_range_invalid (Talk) | Invalid IP range. |
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