Finiteness semantics

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For all set <math>A</math>, <math>(A,\mathfrak P_f(A))</math> is a finiteness space and <math>(A,\mathfrak P_f(A))\orth = (A,\mathfrak P(A))</math>. In particular, each finite set <math>A</math> is the web of exactly one finiteness space: <math>(A,\mathfrak P_f(A))=(A,\mathfrak P(A))</math>. We introduce the following two: <math>\zero = \zero\orth = \left(\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\right)</math> and <math>\one = \one\orth = \left(\{\emptyset\}, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\right)</math>. We also introduce the finiteness space of natural numbers <math>{\mathcal N}</math> by: <math>|{\mathcal N}|={\mathbf N}</math> and <math>a\in\mathfrak F\left(\mathcal N\right)</math> iff <math>a</math> is finite. We write <math>\mathcal O=\{0\}\in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal N}\right)</math>.
For all set <math>A</math>, <math>(A,\mathfrak P_f(A))</math> is a finiteness space and <math>(A,\mathfrak P_f(A))\orth = (A,\mathfrak P(A))</math>. In particular, each finite set <math>A</math> is the web of exactly one finiteness space: <math>(A,\mathfrak P_f(A))=(A,\mathfrak P(A))</math>. We introduce the following two: <math>\zero = \zero\orth = \left(\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\right)</math> and <math>\one = \one\orth = \left(\{\emptyset\}, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\right)</math>. We also introduce the finiteness space of natural numbers <math>{\mathcal N}</math> by: <math>|{\mathcal N}|={\mathbf N}</math> and <math>a\in\mathfrak F\left(\mathcal N\right)</math> iff <math>a</math> is finite. We write <math>\mathcal O=\{0\}\in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal N}\right)</math>.
Notice that <math>{\mathfrak F}</math> is a finiteness structure iff it is of the form <math>{\mathfrak G}\orth</math>. It follows that any finiteness structure <math>{\mathfrak f}</math> is downwards closed for inclusion, and closed under finite unions and arbitrary intersections. Notice however that <math>{\mathfrak f}</math> is not closed under directed unions in general: for all <math>k\in{\\mathbf N}</math>, write <math>k{\downarrow}=\left\{j;\ j\le k\right\}\in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal N}\right)</math>; then <math>k{\downarrow}\subseteq k'{\downarrow}</math> as soon as <math>k\le k'</math>, but <math>\bigcup_{k\ge0} k{\downarrow}={\\mathbf N}\not\in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal N}\right)</math>.
Notice that <math>{\mathfrak F}</math> is a finiteness structure iff it is of the form <math>{\mathfrak G}\orth</math>. It follows that any finiteness structure <math>{\mathfrak f}</math> is downwards closed for inclusion, and closed under finite unions and arbitrary intersections. Notice however that <math>{\mathfrak f}</math> is not closed under directed unions in general: for all <math>k\in{\mathbf N}</math>, write <math>k{\downarrow}=\left\{j;\ j\le k\right\}\in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal N}\right)</math>; then <math>k{\downarrow}\subseteq k'{\downarrow}</math> as soon as <math>k\le k'</math>, but <math>\bigcup_{k\ge0} k{\downarrow}={\mathbf N}\not\in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal N}\right)</math>.
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===== Example. =====
===== Example. =====
Setting <math>\mathcal{S}=\left\{(k,k+1);\ k\in{\\mathbf N}\right\}</math> and <math>\mathcal{P}=\left\{(k+1,k);\ k\in{\mathbf N}\right\}</math>, we have <math>\mathcal{S},\mathcal{P}\in\mathbf{Fin}({\mathcal N},{\mathcal N})</math> and <math>\mathcal{P}\bullet\mathcal{S}=\mathsf{id}_{{\mathcal N}}</math>.
Setting <math>\mathcal{S}=\left\{(k,k+1);\ k\in{\mathbf N}\right\}</math> and <math>\mathcal{P}=\left\{(k+1,k);\ k\in{\mathbf N}\right\}</math>, we have <math>\mathcal{S},\mathcal{P}\in\mathbf{Fin}({\mathcal N},{\mathcal N})</math> and <math>\mathcal{P}\bullet\mathcal{S}=\mathsf{id}_{{\mathcal N}}</math>.

Revision as of 18:53, 22 May 2009

The category \mathbf{Fin} of finiteness spaces and finitary relations was introduced by Ehrhard, refining the purely relational model of linear logic. A finiteness space is a set equipped with a finiteness structure, i.e. a particular set of subsets which are said to be finitary; and the model is such that the usual relational denotation of a proof in linear logic is always a finitary subset of its conclusion. By the usual co-Kleisli construction, this also provides a model of the simply typed lambda-calculus: the cartesian closed category \mathbf{Fin}_\oc.

The main property of finiteness spaces is that the intersection of two finitary subsets of dual types is always finite. This feature allows to reformulate Girard's quantitative semantics in a standard algebraic setting, where morphisms interpreting typed λ-terms are analytic functions between the topological vector spaces generated by vectors with finitary supports. This provided the semantical foundations of Ehrhard-Regnier's differential λ-calculus and motivated the general study of a differential extension of linear logic.

It is worth noticing that finiteness spaces can accomodate typed λ-calculi only: for instance, the relational semantics of fixpoint combinators is never finitary. The whole point of the finiteness construction is actually to reject infinite computations. Indeed, from a logical point of view, computation is cut elimination: the finiteness structure ensures the intermediate sets involved in the relational interpretation of a cut are all finite. In that sense, the finitary semantics is intrinsically typed.



Finiteness spaces

The construction of finiteness spaces follows a well known pattern. It is given by the following notion of orthogonality: a\mathrel \bot a' iff a\cap a' is finite. Then one unrolls familiar definitions, as we do in the following paragraphs.

Let A be a set. Denote by \mathfrak P(A) the powerset of A and by \mathfrak P_f(A) the set of all finite subsets of A. Let {\mathfrak F} \subseteq \mathfrak P(A) any set of subsets of A. We define the pre-dual of {\mathfrak f} in A as {\mathfrak f}^{\bot_{A}}=\left\{a'\subseteq A;\ \forall a\in{\mathfrak f},\ a\cap a'\in\mathfrak P_f(A)\right\}. In general we will omit the subscript in the pre-dual notation and just write {\mathfrak f}\orth. For all {\mathfrak f}\subseteq\mathfrak P(A), we have the following immediate properties: \mathfrak P_f(A) \subseteq {\mathfrak f}\orth; {\mathfrak f}\subseteq {\mathfrak f}\biorth; if {\mathfrak G}\subseteq{\mathfrak f}, {\mathfrak f}\orth\subseteq {\mathfrak G}\orth. By the last two, we get {\mathfrak f}\orth = {\mathfrak f}\triorth. A finiteness structure on A is then a set {\mathfrak f} of subsets of A such that {\mathfrak f}\biorth = {\mathfrak f}.

A finiteness space is a dependant pair {\mathcal A}=\left(\web{\mathcal A},\mathfrak F\left(\mathcal A\right)\right) where \web {\mathcal A} is the underlying set (the web of {\mathcal A}) and \mathfrak F\left(\mathcal A\right) is a finiteness structure on \web {\mathcal A}. We then write {\mathcal A}\orth for the dual finiteness space: \web {{\mathcal A}\orth} = \web {\mathcal A} and \mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A}\orth\right)=\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A}\right)^{\bot}. The elements of \mathfrak F\left(\mathcal A\right) are called the finitary subsets of {\mathcal A}.


For all set A, (A,\mathfrak P_f(A)) is a finiteness space and (A,\mathfrak P_f(A))\orth = (A,\mathfrak P(A)). In particular, each finite set A is the web of exactly one finiteness space: (A,\mathfrak P_f(A))=(A,\mathfrak P(A)). We introduce the following two: \zero = \zero\orth = \left(\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\right) and \one = \one\orth = \left(\{\emptyset\}, \{\emptyset, \{\emptyset\}\}\right). We also introduce the finiteness space of natural numbers {\mathcal N} by: |{\mathcal N}|={\mathbf N} and a\in\mathfrak F\left(\mathcal N\right) iff a is finite. We write \mathcal O=\{0\}\in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal N}\right).

Notice that {\mathfrak F} is a finiteness structure iff it is of the form {\mathfrak G}\orth. It follows that any finiteness structure {\mathfrak f} is downwards closed for inclusion, and closed under finite unions and arbitrary intersections. Notice however that {\mathfrak f} is not closed under directed unions in general: for all k\in{\mathbf N}, write k{\downarrow}=\left\{j;\  j\le k\right\}\in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal N}\right); then k{\downarrow}\subseteq k'{\downarrow} as soon as k\le k', but \bigcup_{k\ge0} k{\downarrow}={\mathbf N}\not\in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal N}\right).


For all finiteness spaces {\mathcal A} and {\mathcal B}, we define {\mathcal A} \tens {\mathcal B} by \web {{\mathcal A} \tens {\mathcal B}} = \web{\mathcal A} \times \web{\mathcal B} and \mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A} \tens {\mathcal B}\right) = \left\{a\times b;\ a\in \mathfrak F\left(\mathcal A\right),\ b\in\mathfrak F\left(\mathcal B\right)\right\}\biorth. It can be shown that \mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A} \tens {\mathcal B}\right) = \left\{ c \subseteq \web{\mathcal A}\times\web{\mathcal B};\  \left.c\right|_l\in \mathfrak F\left(\mathcal A\right),\ \left.c\right|_r\in\mathfrak F\left(\mathcal B\right)\right\}, where \left.c\right|_l and \left.c\right|_r are the obvious projections.

Let f\subseteq A \times B be a relation from A to B, we write f\orth=\left\{(\beta,\alpha);\  (\alpha,\beta)\in f\right\}. For all a\subseteq A, we set f\cdot a = \left\{\beta\in B;\  \exists \alpha\in a,\ (\alpha,\beta)\in f\right\}. If moreover g\subseteq B \times C, we define g \bullet f = \left\{(\alpha,\gamma)\in A\times C;\  \exists \beta\in B,\ (\alpha,\beta)\in f\wedge(\beta,\gamma)\in g\right\}. Then, setting {\mathcal A}\limp{\mathcal B} = \left({\mathcal A}\otimes {\mathcal B}\orth\right)\orth, \mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A}\limp{\mathcal B}\right)\subseteq {\web{\mathcal A}\times\web{\mathcal B}} is characterized as follows: \begin{center} \begin{tabular}{r@{\ iff\ }l} f\in \mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A}\limp{\mathcal B}\right) & \forall a\in \mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A}\right), f\cdot a \in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal B}\right) and \forall b\in \mathfrak F\left({\mathcal B}\orth\right), f\orth\cdot b \in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A}\orth\right) \\ & \forall a\in \mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A}\right), f\cdot a \in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal B}\right) and \forall \beta\in \web{{\mathcal B}}, f\orth\cdot \left\{\beta\right\} \in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A}\orth\right) \\ & \forall \alpha\in \web{{\mathcal A}}, f\cdot \left\{\alpha\right\} \in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal B}\right) and \forall b\in \mathfrak F\left({\mathcal B}\orth\right), f\orth\cdot b \in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A}\orth\right) \end{tabular} \end{center} The elements of \mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A}\limp{\mathcal B}\right) are called finitary relations from {\mathcal A} to {\mathcal B}. By the previous characterization, the identity relation \mathsf{id}_{{\mathcal A}} = \left\{(\alpha,\alpha);\  \alpha\in\web{{\mathcal A}}\right\} is finitary, and the composition of two finitary relations is also finitary. One can thus define the category \mathbf{Fin} of finiteness spaces and finitary relations: the objects of \mathbf{Fin} are all finiteness spaces, and \mathbf{Fin}({\mathcal A},{\mathcal B})=\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A}\limp{\mathcal B}\right). Equipped with the tensor product \tens, \mathbf{Fin} is symmetric monoidal, with unit \one; it is monoidal closed by the definition of \limp; it is * -autonomous by the obvious isomorphism between {\mathcal A}\orth and {\mathcal A}\limp\one.


Setting \mathcal{S}=\left\{(k,k+1);\  k\in{\mathbf N}\right\} and \mathcal{P}=\left\{(k+1,k);\  k\in{\mathbf N}\right\}, we have \mathcal{S},\mathcal{P}\in\mathbf{Fin}({\mathcal N},{\mathcal N}) and \mathcal{P}\bullet\mathcal{S}=\mathsf{id}_{{\mathcal N}}.


We now introduce the cartesian structure of \mathbf{Fin}. We define {\mathcal A} \oplus {\mathcal B} by \web {{\mathcal A} \oplus {\mathcal B}} = \web{\mathcal A} \uplus \web{\mathcal B} and \mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A} \oplus {\mathcal B}\right) = \left\{ a\uplus b;\  a\in \mathfrak F\left(\mathcal A\right),\ b\in\mathfrak F\left(\mathcal B\right)\right\} where \uplus denotes the disjoint union of sets: x\uplus y=(\{1\}\times x)\cup(\{2\}\times y). We have \left({\mathcal A}\oplus {\mathcal B}\right)\orth = {\mathcal A}\orth\oplus{\mathcal B}\orth. The category \mathbf{Fin} is both cartesian and co-cartesian, with \oplus being the product and co-product, and \zero the initial and terminal object. Projections are given by: \begin{eqnarray*} \lambda_{{\mathcal A},{\mathcal B}}&=&\left\{\left((1,\alpha),\alpha\right);\ \alpha\in\web{\mathcal A}\right\} \in\mathbf{Fin}({\mathcal A}\oplus{\mathcal B},{\mathcal A}) \\ \rho_{{\mathcal A},{\mathcal B}}&=&\left\{\left((2,\beta),\beta\right);\ \beta\in\web{\mathcal B}\right\} \in\mathbf{Fin}({\mathcal A}\oplus{\mathcal B},{\mathcal B}) \end{eqnarray*} and if f\in\mathbf{Fin}({\mathcal C},{\mathcal A}) and g\in\mathbf{Fin}({\mathcal C},{\mathcal B}), pairing is given by: \[\left\langle f,g\right\rangle = \left\{\left(\gamma,(1,\alpha)\right);\ (\gamma,\alpha)\in f\right\} \cup \left\{\left(\gamma,(2,\beta)\right);\ (\gamma,\beta)\in g\right\} \in\mathbf{Fin}({\mathcal C},{\mathcal A}\oplus{\mathcal B}).\] The unique morphism from {\mathcal A} to \zero is the empty relation. The co-cartesian structure is obtained symmetrically.


Write {\mathcal O}\orth=\left\{(0,\emptyset)\right\}\in\mathbf{Fin}({\mathcal N},\one). Then \left\langle{{\mathcal O}\orth},{\mathcal{P}}\right\rangle =\{ (0,(1,\emptyset)) \}\cup \{ (k+1,(2,k)) ;\  k\in{\mathbf N} \} \in\mathbf{Fin}\left({\mathcal N},\one\oplus{\mathcal N}\right) is an isomorphism.


If A is a set, we denote by \mathfrak M_f(A) the set of all finite multisets of elements of A, and if a\subseteq A, we write a^{\oc}=\mathfrak M_f(a)\subseteq\mathfrak M_f(A). If \overline\alpha\in\mathfrak M_f(A), we denote its support by \mathrm{Support}\left(\overline \alpha\right)\in\mathfrak P_f(A). For all finiteness space {\mathcal A}, we define \oc {\mathcal A} by: \web{\oc {\mathcal A}}= \mathfrak M_f\left(\web{{\mathcal A}}\right) and \mathfrak F\left(\oc{\mathcal A}\right)=\left\{a^{\oc};\  a\in\mathfrak F\left({\mathcal A}\right)\right\}\biorth. It can be shown that \mathfrak F\left(\oc{\mathcal A}\right) = \left\{\overline a\subseteq\mathfrak M_f\left(\web{{\mathcal A}}\right);\ \bigcup_{\overline\alpha\in \overline a}\mathrm{Support}\left(\overline \alpha\right)\in\mathfrak F\left(\mathcal A\right)\right\}. Then, for all f\in\mathbf{Fin}({\mathcal A},{\mathcal B}), we set \[\oc f =\left\{\left(\left[\alpha_1,\ldots,\alpha_n\right],\left[\beta_1,\ldots,\beta_n\right]\right);\ \forall i,\ (\alpha_i,\beta_i)\in f\right\} \in \mathbf{Fin}(\oc {\mathcal A}, \oc {\mathcal B}),\] which defines a functor. Natural transformations \mathsf{der}_{{\mathcal A}}=\left\{([\alpha],\alpha);\  \alpha\in \web{{\mathcal A}}\right\}\in\mathbf{Fin}(\oc{\mathcal A},{\mathcal A}) and \mathsf{digg}_{{\mathcal A}}=\left\{\left(\sum_{i=1}^n\overline\alpha_i,\left[\overline\alpha_1,\ldots,\overline\alpha_n\right]\right);\ \forall i,\ \overline\alpha_i\in\web{\oc {\mathcal A}}\right\} make this functor a comonad.


We have isomorphisms \left\{([],\emptyset)\right\}\in\mathbf{Fin}(\oc\zero,\one) and \[\left\{ \left(\overline\alpha_l+\overline\beta_r,\left(\overline\alpha,\overline\beta\right)\right);\ (\overline\alpha_l,\overline\alpha)\in\oc\lambda_{{\mathcal A},{\mathcal B}}\wedge(\overline\beta_r,\overline\beta)\in\oc\rho_{{\mathcal A},{\mathcal B}}\right\} \in\mathbf{Fin}(\oc({\mathcal A}\oplus{\mathcal B}),\oc{\mathcal A}\tens\oc{\mathcal B}).\] More generally, we have \oc\left({\mathcal A}_1\oplus\cdots\oplus{\mathcal A}_n\right)\cong\oc{\mathcal A}_1\tens\cdots\tens\oc{\mathcal A}_n.

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